Maintaining your plumbing will prevent it from deteriorating and causing significant damage to your home. A leaking pipe can quickly cause thousands of dollars worth of damages, so maintenance is essential.
Here are some tips for maintaining your plumbing.
- Learn the basics – Learning the basics of plumbing is important so that you can understand what you need to fix and when to call the professionals.
- Clear pipes regularly – The build up of dirt and the corrosion this causes are two of the biggest dangers to your plumbing. Cleaning pipes regularly is essential. Use vinegar and baking soda to clear the pipes without damaging the rubber seals.
- Solve the noises – If your plumbing is noisy and bangs about then you need to solve this quickly. Attaching the pipes more securely to the hangers will can help, and preventing the movement of pipes will reduce the risk of them bursting.
- Cleaning the garbage disposal – Never try to clean the garbage disposal by hand. Instead, Plumbing House suggested that you run cherry pips and lemon rinds through it with a vinegar and baking soda solution. This will remove the build up of grime.