Save Money with These Plumbing Tips

Plumbing is essential in maintaining the quality and condition of your home. Maintenance can save you a great deal by preventing serious problems from occurring.

Here are some plumbing tips that will be sure to save you some money.

  • Buy a plunger so that you can deal with blocked drains and toilets yourself. This will save you the call out fee for a plumber every time.
  • Clean your drains with baking soda and vinegar instead of bleach products to protect the rubber seals.
  • Always keep the living spaces in your house above freezing to avoid frozen pipes. This is especially important when you are away from the property.
  • Clean your garbage disposal with cherry pips, lemon rinds and dish soap to keep it running smoothly and smelling nice.
  • Regularly check for water damage around all appliances so you can identify leaks before they become serious.
  • Pay a professional to pump your septic tank once every five years to prevent a build-up of sediment. This will stop a backup into your house and save you a great deal of money and unpleasantness.
