Water damage is becoming a common problem for residents of large cities, primarily due to abnormal weather patterns. Take, for instance, the super storm Sandy, a large hurricane that struck large portions of normally hurricane free New York and New Jersey. Storm surges inundated many coastal areas, exposing residents to potentially hazardous mould build ups.
Even minor leaks can lead to the development of mould. Air quality expert Richard Shaughnessy, director of the University of Tulsa’s Indoor Air Quality Program, has urged homeowners to take caution when it comes to water damage. Mould can lead to health and respiratory problems if not handled properly.
In addition, Shaughnessy advised homeowners to consult their existing insurance policies for water damage and mould coverage.
“One way or another, you’re going to have mould growth if it’s not handled in time,” he said.
Mould should always be tested for, regardless of the extent of the water damage.