Plumbing Tips for Your Family

There are many plumbing issues that can be solved easily through some simple DIY. The best weapon in DIY plumbing is prevention, because this will stop issues from becoming too serious and also from costing you a lot of money in the future.

Here are some tips that you can actually use to maintain your plumbing system at home.

Avoid using bleach in your toilets whenever possible because this causes the rubber seals in your system to disintegrate slowly over time.

Always clear the lint trap in your dryer to prevent a fire from starting when you are cleaning your clothes.

Find out about the qualifications that your plumber has before hiring them. If they are unqualified to fix the problem then they will still charge you for the call out.

Do not flush items other than toilet roll down the toilet to avoid blockages. Sanitary towels and other items should not be flushed as they will clog the pipes.
