Hot Water Temperature Control in the Home

The home would be a much less comfortable place to live in without a hot water system. There would be no running hot water from the tap for baths, and no hot water for washing the dishes and doing the laundry. However, hot water can lead to accidents such as scalded skin or even serious burns.

Potential risks

Scalding water can present a risk for the family, especially younger children. If the water is too hot, householders can burn their hands and other parts of the body.

Control measures

There are basic control measures that residents can apply to avoid the risks associated with hot, scalding water. An anti-scald valve can be installed. This device regulates the temperature of the water in the water heater, and helps with mixing cold water with hot to ensure that water running out of the faucet is not boiling.

Householders should have a licensed plumber conduct the installation work rather than attempting it themselves.

It is also a good idea to set the temperature on the water heater to a moderate level. Additionally, younger children and elderly members of the household can be reminded to turn on the cold tap before the hot one for showering and for bathing.
