We’ve all heard about the effects of global warming. With media campaigns telling us to lower the home’s total greenhouse average emissions, who can’t help but be environmentally conscious; recycling, reusing and grey water systems have become standard practice in homes for years.
But what you may not realise is that there are a heap of other ways you can easily contribute with little or no any effort. So if it’s time to upgrade the plumbing or you are building a new home, consider these easy tips to help save the environment and reduce your water bill too:
- ‘Instant’ hot water services – These are tankless water heaters which only heat the water as you need it. Instead of using extra electricity or gas to keep a full tank of water hot all day, a tankless ‘instant’ water heater only heats the amount of water that you need.
- Aerators are a fantastic way to increase your water pressure while reducing the amount of water that’s used. By adding air to the stream of water extra pressure is created, making a stronger jet without using more water.
- Water pipe insulation helps to keep water hotter. This is especially recommended for colder areas, hot water services that are located outside and for longer sections of piping where hot water has a fair distance to travel.
- Where possible, use environmentally friendly cleaning products. Not only do they smell great, are biodegradable and are safe for the waterways, but these cleaners naturally remove build-up and residue from within drains – which can help prevent expensive plumbing problems further down the track.
- Always fix leaky taps and pipes immediately, as they can drastically increase the water bill without you realising. To test whether you have a leak of any sort, turn off all taps and water appliances, then go and check the water meter – if the meter is still ticking over, you have a leak somewhere.
- Use low flow appliance options such as low flow toilets and showerheads to reduce your household’s water consumption. A low flow toilet uses around 30% less water per flush, while the showerhead uses around 50% less water per shower. With the average shower using 100 litres, a low flow reduces this number to 35 litres per shower – this can save you hundreds of dollars every year.